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Click on one of the demos below to see ModelRight in action.
All demos require Macromedia Flash and open in a new browser window.
Demo: Product Overview

Product Overview
Learn the basics of what ModelRight does and how it can help you with your database modeling efforts.

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Demo: User Interface Basics

The User Interface
Various Windows and Toolbars work together to provide a simple and natural work environment. Simply select the object you want to edit and change its properties. There's no need to constantly pop up different dialogs just to make a change.

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Demo: Basic Editing Techniques

Editing Techniques
Learning any new product can be a little intimidating.
Watch this demo to learn the basics of how to create and edit Tables, Columns, and any type of object.

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Demo: Diagramming

Diagramming Techniques
The Diagram is the most visible and perhaps the most important part of a data model. ModelRight has an amazing variety of ways that you can customized the display of your Diagrams.
This (interactive) step-by-step demo guides you through all of the diagramming options - including Themes, our one-click solution to Diagram look-and-feel changes.

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