Generate to Database/Forward Engineer

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After you have created all of your tables, views, columns and other database objects and specified their properties, you are ready to create your database design in the database itself.  ModelRight make this easy with its Generate to Database Wizard:

How to Generate (Forward Engineer) you database design to the database

1.Select in the Database Toolbar or Database > Generate to Database to start the Generate to Database Wizard.

2.The first step is to select the Schema Gen Options that you would like to use.  Do you want to create or drop Tables?  Views?  Tablespaces, etc...  Do you want to generate Comments? Quote Names?  Constraint Names? All of these options and more are specified by a Schema Gen Option Set object.  In this wizard page, you can select a pre-defined one and change its properties/options.  Outside of this page, you can create and edit one simply by going to the Oracle Schema Gen Option Set section of the Model Explorer and create, edit, or delete one as you would any other object.

3.The second step is to specify the model objects that you want to generate.  The Restrict By Model Subset option lets you specify whether you want to generate all the Tables/Views in your Model or only those that are in a Model Subset (the currently active Diagram's Model Subset is select by default).  The Restrict By Physical Options options let you restrict the Tables and Views that are generated based on their Schema and/or Tablespace.  The Generate Objects tree shows the result of selecting these options and lets you further specify the objects to generate.

4.The next page in this wizard is solely for your information.  When the Next button is enabled, just click through to see your DDL.

5.ModelRight orders the Tables and Views based on their dependencies and the selected Schema Gen Options and then evaluates the appropriate scripts to produce the SQL DDL - as illustrated below.  Save it to file, copy/paste it to SQL/Plus, or generate it directly to the database.

The "gutter" along the left of the script editor displays the status of the script execution.  It displays a green dot to indicate the statement has executed successfully and a red dot to indicate the statement did not execute successfully.  The results control at the bottom of the editor lists the statements that executed and the result.  If you right-click on a statement in the editor, you can


Run Script - evaluates the specified script type and displays the results.

Edit Script - lets you view and edit the VB script source code that is evaluated

Gutter Numbers

Cut, Copy, Paste

Find, Replace

Undo, Redo

Run - execute the SQL commands.  If there isn't an active database connection, ModelRight will prompt you to login first.

Pause - pause the execution of the SQL commands.

Step Next - execute the next SQL command only.

Restart - restart executing the SQL commands - starting at the top.

Set Execution Line - set the execution point to the line where the caret is currently placed in the edit control.  The symbol is displayed in the gutter to the left of the SQL edit control to show the next command that will be executed.  You can set the execution line to any line in the control simply by first clicking on the text of the line, and then selecting this button.

Set Breakpoint -  Click in the edit control on the line that you want to set a breakpoint on and click this button.  A breakpoint will cause execution to pause when it gets to that line.  The symbol is displayed in the gutter to show where breakpoints are currently set.

- scroll to the next breakpoint

- scroll to the previous breakpoint

- remove all breakpoints