Build |
Date |
Importance |
Features and Fixes |
4.1.16 |
Jan 28, 2020 |
Low |
- new - double-click on Model Explorer Table to open in Table in a Diagram
- fix - for SQL Server RE of non-clustered PK index
4.1.15 |
Jan 14, 2020 |
Low |
- new - CREATE or ALTER option for SQL Server schema gen
- new - Context.FileName scripting method
4.1.14 |
Jan 2, 2020 |
Low |
- sign executable as well as installer
- new - added Model.DDL function to scripting engine
4.1.12 |
Dec 10, 2019 |
Low |
- fix - Oracle nested table schema gen
- new - SQL Server Masked Format support
4.1.9 |
Aug 19, 2019 |
Medium |
- fix - install registers Schema Generation library
- new - SQL Server Spatial Index support
4.1.8 |
Aug 1, 2019 |
Medium |
- fix - 64 bit installer issue
- fix - parse function call parameters for column references
- fix - SQL Server view select script when no FROM clause
4.1.7 |
July 30, 2019 |
Medium |
- fix - on-diagram edit involving checkbox crash
- fix - print header footer not printing after 1st page
4.1.6 |
July 24, 2019 |
Low |
- new - support for PostgreSQL constraint triggers
- fix - minor fixes to Print dialog
4.1.4 |
June 19, 2019 |
High |
- new - updated database support for SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL and MySQL
- new - introduced 64 bit version of ModelRight
4.1.1 |
Feb 22, 2019 |
High |
- new - Install using InstallShield
- new - licensing software - will require new key
- new - SQL Server added support for Temporal Tables
4.0.64 |
Dec 12, 2018 |
Low |
- fix - SQL Server WITH RECOMPILE procedure option fix
- fix - after copy/paste, no Column Graphics Template set
- fix - duplicate Schemas created on RE Into Model
4.0.63 |
Aug 24, 2018 |
Low |
- fix - crash on startup setting default printer
- fix - set Generate Name when key name changes in Explorer
4.0.62 |
July 6, 2018 |
Low |
- fix - Oracle alter script to remove column default
- fix - support PostgreSQL function param datatype w array
- fix - compare filter inadvertent check/uncheck when collapsing tree item
4.0.61 |
May 23, 2017 |
Low |
- fix - in database compare, match functions using signature
- fix - PostgreSQL issues with alter scripts to rename certain type of objects
- fix - for Oracle import value of NEXT when not user has not specified
- fix - in DB Compare window for Page Up/Down
- fix - when creating a temporary table, ensure its name length doesn't exceed db limit
- fix - compare leaf columns of a column group
- fix - foreign keys should not inherit definition property
- fix - recreate index when unique option changes
4.0.56 |
Jan 10, 2017 |
Low |
- fix for PostgreSQL Table inheritence of Indexes
- fix for SQL Server 2008 to Azure datetime datatype conversion
- fix for default Inherits Relation graphics object not being created
4.0.55 |
Nov 24, 2016 |
Low |
- fix for PK Columns Only option on Diagram context menu
- new feature - highlight relations when hover over related FK/PK Columns
4.0.54 |
Nov 8, 2016 |
Low |
- fix - UDP edit controls not properly placed
- fix - Meta Model browser not appearing properly
4.0.53 |
Oct 21, 2015 |
Low |
- new - UDP display options under Options/Tools/Workspace
- fix - generate Oracle ON DELETE alter script
4.0.52 |
Aug 31, 2015 |
Low |
- fix - Save As XML bug
- fix - DB2/LUW RE Sequence fix
- fix - UI glitch for SQL Server view editor UDPs
4.0.49 |
Aug 27, 2014 |
Low |
- New Feature: display only FKs and PKs
4.0.47 |
June 18, 2014 |
Low |
- fix check constraint alter gen issue
- fix persistence of compare filter options
- no grant generation of ungen'd objects
4.0.45 |
May 27, 2014 |
Low |
- fix copy/paste of Table Domain w sub-columns
- fix persistence of error after compare import failure
4.0.44 |
April 23, 2014 |
Low |
- fix Print dialog quirks
- added SQL Server 2012 Column Store Index support
- fix for DB Compare Filter selection being displayed properly
- fix for new Tables not using Diagram Graphics Theme
4.0.41 |
Jan 23, 2014 |
Low |
- new feature - support for Oracle Profiles
4.0.40 |
Jan 3, 2014 |
Low |
- bug fix - crash editing Diagram Note from Property Page
- allow Generate property to be inherited
- added Unique option to Column property page
4.0.35 |
Nov 20, 2013 |
Low |
- bug fix - RE SQL Server Table Functions
- new feature - Synonym Templates
- bug fix - multiple IDEF1X Subcat symbols being created
4.0.34 |
Oct 18, 2013 |
Low |
- bug fix - crash when editing Oracle Sequence
- new feature - View Templates
- new feature - UDP reordering
4.0.24 |
Aug 3, 2013 |
Low |
- new feature - Selection Edit Control
- new feature - sync User-Def Props with SQL Server Ext Atts
- new feature - default object Graphics
4.0.22 |
July 25, 2013 |
Low |
- new feature - Refresh Model Source
- new feature - Custom Icons for model objets
- new feature - Model Templates
3.7.33, |
Feb 22, 2013 |
Low |
- fix for Model Explorer sort order issues
- added support for SQL Server 2012 Sequences (4 only)
- fix for Column ordering bug
3.7.30 |
Feb 3, 2013 |
Low |
- fixed PostgreSQL create script for columns of table domain
- fixed PostgreSQL RE of index filter condition
- allow SQL Server time data type to have precision
- save default printer on exit
3.7.27 |
Oct 28, 2012 |
Low |
- fixed crash when hiding large table
- fixed RE SQL Server inline functions
- fixed allow SQL Server varchar(max) Column to have Default
3.7.26 |
Oct 4, 2012 |
Low |
- fixed Postgres RE of time-related datatype default precision
- fixed Postgres RE of char datatypes as bpchar
3.7.23 |
Aug 8, 2012 |
Low |
- do not auto-layout Tables when using Model Subset wizard
- fixed crash when uncheck PK for Table Domain Column
3.7.21 |
June 21, 2012 |
Low |
- allow Table Domains to create child Triggers
- auto-select Generate Name for constraints that have auto-naming macro
- added support for SQL Server SPARSE columns and column sets
- auto-pan Diagram when using keyboard navigation
- added keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Home to go to top left of Diagram
- added support for Oracle Views CONNECT BY clause
3.7.20 |
May 2, 2012 |
Low |
- improved performance of Model and Database Compare
- fixed a few issues with Oracle LOB SECUREFILES
- fixed ALTER script for SQL Server index phys props
3718 |
Mar 14, 2012 |
Low |
- fix - RE SQL Server views with UNION
- fix - MySQL trigger definer control
- fix - SQL Server RE of partition info
- fix - SQL Server ALTER/INSERT of timestamp cols
3715 |
Feb 13, 2012 |
Low |
- fix - DB Compare non-generated Constraint names as equal
- fix - SQL Server Default not RE'd correctly for FK Column of Identity PK column
3712 |
Jan 28, 2012 |
Low |
- fix SQL Server ALTER exported default constraint name
- fix incorrect datatype len displayed in compare for aliased datatype
- fix for MySQL extraneous BINARY column property
- fix for Column category type editing in grid control
3711 |
Jan 14, 2012 |
Med |
- added Print page header/footer capability
- fix for large Oracle view crash
- fix for grouped objects shifting when diagram opened
- do not inherit check constraint from PK to FK column
3708 |
Nov 16, 2012 |
Med |
- fixes for SQL Server Alter scripts
- fixes for on-diagram note editing
3705 |
Oct 14, 2012 |
Med |
- fix for crash after loading old file and creating new Diagram
- fix for Oracle default IOT Table Tablespace
3703 (MR 3.7) |
Aug 26, 2012 |
High |
- fix for crash when deleting tables
3629 |
July 17, 2012 |
Medium |
- fix for adding Diagram Notes
- fix for exporting table triggers during db compare
3627 |
July 5, 2012 |
Low |
- fix for MySQL RE of index-based relations
- fix for Grouped object copy/paste
- added printer-specific properties button to print dialog
3626 |
May 3, 2012 |
Low |
- minor fixes to PostgreSQL schema scripts
- fix for Group/Ungroup issues
- fix for SQL Server ALTER script for index INCLUDE changes
- new option for ALTER vs re-CREATE on new NOT NULL/no default Column
3625 |
April 25, 2012 |
Low |
- new - added Migrate Index option for Relations
- fix - crash when moving view column that is part of key constraint
3623 |
Mar 13, 2012 |
Low |
- new - Schema Gen Sort options
- new - Model Explorer List Sort options
- fix - Oracle gen alter statement when column default added
- fix - SQL Server datetime2 allowed precis of 0
- fix - SQL Server float allowed precis
- fix - usability issues with grid editor
3622 |
Feb 16, 2012 |
Low |
- fix - Oracle Alter Trigger script
- fix - setting Oracle Type Varray length
3621 |
Feb 6, 2012 |
Low |
- new - baseline support for SQL Server Azure, Postgre 9.0, Access 2010
- fix - SQL Server View "Check Exists" Gen Option
- fix - SQL Server Index Include Columns controls being disabled
3620 |
Jan 31, 2012 |
Medium |
- fixed issue with drawing relations to PK/FK endpoints
- fixed issue Oracle Table Check Constraint generation
- added Model Compare option to Only Show Matched objects
- fixed layout of multiple recursive rels
3618 |
Jan 26, 2012 |
Medium |
- fixed issue with obtaining new grid control values
- fixed issue drawing grid lines outside scrolled diagram table
3617 |
Jan 13, 2012 |
High (if have 3615,3616) |
- fixed crash from 3615 with displaying color selector
- allow Go To Table to be used while creating relations
3616 |
Jan 9, 2012 |
Low |
- improved diagram drag/scroll
- trigger option to generate after all tables created
- made Schema Gen/Restrict by Subset option sticky
3615 |
Jan 5, 2012 |
Low |
- upgraded internal third party libraries
3614 |
Dec 19, 2010 |
Low |
- fix for on-diagram note display on model load issue
- added SetInheritsFrom scripting method
3612 |
Nov 19, 2010 |
Low |
- fix for Oracle RE 8i and hash partitioned IOT issues
- fix for Only Current Diagram Report option
3611 |
Oct 31, 2010 |
High |
- fix for Model Definition change crash
- Fix for printing on-diagram checkboxes
- fix for Oracle MView Reverse Engineer crash
- displaying rels when also showing rels as on-diagram category
3606 |
Sep 29, 2010 |
Medium |
- New Display Options to show Column/Index info
- Table.Column.Index Designator
- P - Primary Key Index
- Un - Unique Key Index (where n is the generation order)
- Fn - Foreign Key Index
- C - Clustered Index
- Qn - Unique Index
- In - Non-Unique Index
- Index.Designator and Key.Designator (same codes as above)
- Fix for crash when on-diagram name change causes renamed object to be deleted
3604 |
Sep 16, 2010 |
High |
- Re-introduction of this transparency feature for the new website and MR 3.6
- Fix for loading pre-3.6 model and then selecting Diagram/Theme page
- Fix for using "category" editor in Property Browser to move items up