This script is written to be a Post-Script type for a table. To set for all Tables: 1) bring up the Script Explorer 2) click on SQL Server/Table/Post Script 3) copy/paste the script below into the Property Browser edit control 4) select a Table that has a UDP (or has Columns that do) 5) select SQL tab and the Post Script for Script Type /********** start of script *************/ Sub WriteExtendedProp(Obj, Options, Document, PropName) If Not Obj.Property(PropName) Is Nothing Then If Trim(Obj.Property(PropName).AsString) <> "" Then Document.Write("EXEC sp_addextendedproperty ") Document.Write("@name = '" & PropName & "', @value = '" & Obj.Property(PropName).AsString & "',") Document.Write(vbLf & vbTab) If Obj.TypeName = "Column" Then Set Table = TableOwner(Obj) Else Set Table = Obj End If Document.Write("@level0type = 'Schema', @level0name = '" & Table.Property("Schema").AsString & "',") Document.Write(vbLf & vbTab) Document.Write("@level1type = 'Table', @level1name = '" & Table.Name & "'") If Obj.TypeName = "Column" Then Document.Write("," & vbLf & vbTab) Document.Write("@level2type = 'Column', @level2name = '" & Obj.Name & "'") End If Document.Write(";") AddDelim Options, Document Document.Write(vbLf) End If End If End Sub Sub WriteColumnExtendedProps(Column, Options, Document, MetaColumn) HasSubCols = False For Each SubColumn In Column.Children("Column") WriteColumnExtendedProps SubColumn, Options, Document, MetaColumn HasSubCols = True Next If Not HasSubCols Then For Each MetaProp In MetaColumn.MetaProperties If MetaProp.IsUserDefined Then WriteExtendedProp Column, Options, Document, MetaProp.Name End If Next End If End Sub Sub Evaluate_OnLoad() Set Context = CreateObject("SCF.ScriptContext") Set Document = Context.ScriptDocument Set Table = Context.Object Set Options = Context.Options Set Model = Table.Model Set MetaModel = Model.MetaModel Set MetaTable = MetaModel.MetaObject("Table") For Each MetaProp In MetaTable.MetaProperties If MetaProp.IsUserDefined Then WriteExtendedProp Table, Options, Document, MetaProp.Name End If Next Set MetaColumn = MetaModel.MetaObject("Column") For Each Column In Table.Children("Column") WriteColumnExtendedProps Column, Options, Document, MetaColumn Next End Sub