This is a script that generates the DDL for each Schema to a seperate file. To run it: 1) bring up the Script Explorer 2) right click on "User Defined" and select "New Script" 3) copy/paste the script below into the edit control 4) hit the run button (the first icon in the toolbar above the edit control) /********** start of script *************/ Sub Evaluate_OnLoad() Set Context = CreateObject("SCF.ScriptContext") Set Document = Context.ScriptDocument Set ThisScript = Context.Object Set Model = ThisScript.Model Set Framework = CreateObject("SCF.ScriptFramework") ' Create the File System Object Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") File = Context.FileName Dir = FSO.GetParentFolderName(File) ' Create the Folder specified by strDirectory on line 10 If Not FSO.FolderExists(Dir) Then FSO.CreateFolder(Dir) End If For Each Schema In Model.AsObject.Children("Schema") ' arg 1 - optional name of Model Subset to filter by - defaults to none ' arg 2 - optional name of Option Set to use - defaults to model's current ' arg 3 - optional name of Schema to filter by - defaults to none ' arg 4 - optional name of storage container/Tablespaces to filter by - defaults to none DDL = Model.DDL("", "", Schema.Name, "") If DDL <> "" Then strFile = Dir + "\" + Schema.Name + ".sql" Document.Write("Created DDL for Schema " + Schema.Name + " in file " + strFile + vbNewLine) Set ControlFile = FSO.CreateTextFile(strFile) ControlFile.WriteLine(DDL) ControlFile.Close End If Next End Sub